Evaluation of an Alternative Test Use Within a Certification Program

Case Studies - Research & Design: Program and Assessment Design, Recent News


  • Susan Bavis-Becker, Ph.D., Partner
  • Jaime Kavanaugh, MS. Ed., Psychometrician


US State Department of Education


For several years, the State’s educator certification examination program included passing a general education test as a requirement. In time, the usage of the test shifted to become an admission requirement for the educator preparation program. The sponsoring agency reassessed whether this was an appropriate use of the test given the intended use as part of certification requirements.

ACS collaborated with the State to design and implement a study evaluating whether an existing college admission test that was widely used in the State could serve as a substitute for the general education test. The work involved reviews of validity of content evidence, policy factors to reduce redundancy in testing, cost savings, and alignment with the educator preparation programs. 


ACS’s experience with testing programs in diverse sectors – education, admissions, certification, and licensure – helped the State consider the potential different uses of these tests and the risks associated with alternative use cases. In this instance, the program leaders were able to use an admissions exam for the purpose of certification eligibility.


By seeking opportunities to streamline the certification process for educators, the State has responded to stakeholders’ requests to seek efficiency and help control costs for candidates while maintaining the program rigor.