The ACS team has extensive experience guiding programs through the essential steps and processes that must be followed in the design of new or revamped assessment programs. ACS has supported our clients in the development of product roadmaps that specify the critical milestones that must be met to successfully deliver a new assessment program.
Program & Assessment Design
ACS has provided psychometric advice and guidance to a number of programs that were completing significant revisions to their testing programs. ACS recently assisted the a state education agency as they released an RFP for the delivery of their computer adaptive placement test. ACS has also provided support for credentialing organizations that were transitioning their assessment programs from an education focused assessment to an assessment based credential for their clients.
Job/Practice Analysis
ACS has partnered with professional credentialing organizations in the initial planning and design of their credentialing programs. ACS has also recently engaged with a number of organizations in the medical, legal, and human resources fields to complete practice analyses for their licensure or certification programs that have included initial, advanced, and subspecialty levels of expectations for candidates.

The ACS team has extensive experience guiding programs through the essential steps and processes that must be followed in the design of new or revamped assessment programs. ACS has supported our clients in the development of product roadmaps that specify the critical milestones that must be met to successfully deliver a new assessment program.
Program & Assessment Design
ACS has provided psychometric advice and guidance to a number of programs that were completing significant revisions to their testing programs. ACS recently assisted the a state education agency as they released an RFP for the delivery of their computer adaptive placement test. ACS has also provided support for credentialing organizations that were transitioning their assessment programs from an education focused assessment to an assessment based credential for their clients.
Job/Practice Analysis
ACS has partnered with professional credentialing organizations in the initial planning and design of their credentialing programs. ACS has also recently engaged with a number of organizations in the medical, legal, and human resources fields. to complete practice analyses for their licensure or certification programs that have included initial, advanced, and subspecialty levels of expectations for candidates.