NEWS NEWS DEVELOP & DELIVER RECENT CASE STUDIES, PRESENTATIONS, AND RESEARCH. Standard Setting Validation Case Studies - Develop & Deliver: Standard Setting, Recent Newsread more Hybrid Alignment Model Case Studies - Develop & Deliver: Alignment, Recent Newsread more Evaluating Correspondence between English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards and Academic Content Standards Research & Presentations - Develop & Deliverread more Warning: Graphic Content! Test Developer Discretion Advised Research & Presentations - Develop & Deliverread more Credentialing Students into Career Pathways Case Studies - Develop & Deliver: Item and Test Developmentread more Self-Assessment to Guide Continued Education Objectives for Recertification Case Studies - Develop & Deliver: Item and Test Developmentread more
Evaluating Correspondence between English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards and Academic Content Standards Research & Presentations - Develop & Deliverread more
Warning: Graphic Content! Test Developer Discretion Advised Research & Presentations - Develop & Deliverread more
Credentialing Students into Career Pathways Case Studies - Develop & Deliver: Item and Test Developmentread more
Self-Assessment to Guide Continued Education Objectives for Recertification Case Studies - Develop & Deliver: Item and Test Developmentread more